TU Rules

Here are the rule you MUST follow to stay on this blog:

No cursing - If you curse you will automatically be banned. I don't care if you mad you CANNOT curse.

No cyber bullying- There is a person behind every screen and they have feelings. Just because you think you'll look cool doesn't mean it is cool. If you are getting cyberbullyed make sure you know to ignore them and turn the other cheek they WILL stop. If you are being cyberbullyed please email me.

No going to other blog just to hurt people- That is rude and unfair to that blog. People work hard to do these blogs and you going over there (or over here) telling them it sucks make all there effort go to waste.

No talking about inappropriate things or do mean things on comments- Comment are there so you can express yourself not hurt people.

No stocking people or this blog- Not only is it creepy its scary. Stocking people is not a fun activity unless you are a psycho killer. Please get a life if you are a stocker.

No making fun of post- That is mean and wont be tolerated

If you follow these rule Totally U will be a fun place to hang out with your friends and learn new things

*These rules will be updated so I recommend looking at them once every 2 weeks. Thank you


Hey TU viewers. Please DO NOT curse, cyber-bully or talk inappropriately on this blog. This blog is a Family Friendly blog so we dont want your trash talk.
And ALWAYS remember there is a person behind the screen. Thanks.(For more orderly rules please check out the rules page)