Crazy Pic Page!


  1. Lol!!! He can't clap his hands!!! HA HA HA!!!

  2. I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!! It can't clap his hands cuz its to small!!!! Good job Andrea!!

  3. Hey Rebel girl here. I'm here to say hi and that's a really cute picture. I love it!!!!:):):):):):):):)

  4. Don't you get it the bread that isn't toasted said burn because the other one was burned maybevthats why you don't like it cuz you don't get it

  5. funny pics anty and andrea

  6. It's true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Hey andrea is awesome you dont have to be mean
    -anty but i do rock too lol

  8. um shes ok dude i dont like wanna fight over this um try being nice to each other ya never know a friend ship could be blossoming from this.

  9. guys calm down im gonna have to delete these cuz im pretty awesome and have to for the quality of viewers Lauren luv ya but i cant dis my friend shes my friend. Im not even sure if this is you but still both of you take a serious CHILL PILL hope it wont be this toxic in middle school I think you guys both rock and both of your are wicked awesome friends so cool down. :)

  10. Anty I can't believe your not on my side! You should defend me cuz you now she sucks and if you don't go on my side I will not be your friend

  11. Who is this person impersonating Lauren it is NOT funny

  12. This is Lauren I can't believe you think this is somebody else

  13. anty im not signed inJuly 9, 2012 at 6:27 PM

    if you really r lauren whts your middle name

  14. Nichol I told you


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